From the time she was young, Lois A. Height Allen dreamed of using her passion for music and education to make a difference. She was raised in a family that stressed the importance of helping others, and she was determined to follow in their footsteps. To help her achieve her goals, Ms. Allen earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts from Ohio State University in 1954 and 1958, respectively. She then joined prominent organizations like the American Guild of Organists, the Choristers Guild of America, and the Federation of American Baptist Musicians to help her keep on top of developments in the field.
Over the years, Ms. Allen garnered a reputation for excellence amongst her peers. She started her career as a high school music teacher for juniors and seniors at Upper Arlington High School, after which she advanced to become a high school music supervisor in Westerville, Ohio, a music teacher at Ohio State University, and a private music teacher in Columbus, Ohio. During this time, she also served as a church organist and choir director at the Mountview Baptist Church, an educational radio interviewer for WOSU, and the executive director of the Battelle Scholars Program Trust Fund, among many other roles.
Although Ms. Allen retired from full-time work in 2014, she remains involved in the industry in other ways. She still has 18 students that she works with on trumpet, piano, clarinet, and violin, and she still plays in three community bands. Furthermore, Ms. Allen plays for her church every Sunday and directs the choir there. She is also the president and vice president of Opera Columbus, the publicity director of the Ohio Theatre Shop, the chair of the education committee of the Columbus Symphony Gala Center, and a member of the volunteer council of the American Symphony Orchestra League.
In recognition of her hard work and dedication, Ms. Allen was honored with accolades like the Music Educator Award and the Advocate Award from the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. She was also named Woman of the Year by the Rotary Club in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and Central Ohio Woman of the Year by Kappa Delta.