Dr. Anne Montague Blythe has approached everything she’s done with open-heartedness, generosity of spirit, and joy. And hard work and determination. She credits her professional success to these attributes. A 7th generation South Carolinian, she is currently focusing her attention on documentaries of, “The History, Mystery, Magic of the Dark Corner, South Carolina,” a virtually unknown aspect of South Carolina’s history and culture. Her previous experience as curator of the Upcountry History Museum in Greenville, S.C., as well as educator in various public schools in South Carolina and several appointments abroad, have paved the way for these living history documentaries.
One of the most memorable times of Dr. Blythe’s career was teaching in Hong Kong. Her students loved learning about Southern Literature, and she loved experiencing the high respect students held for their teachers. Another professional highlight was her participation in a program called, “The Star Seminars: Strategies for Teacher Advancement and Renewal.” This program offered public school teachers a competitive opportunity for a one-week sabbatical of continuing education and relaxation at one of South Carolina’s pristine island facilities.
Dr. Blythe prepared for her career by earning a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Education in Media Arts, and a PhD in American Literature from the University of South Carolina in 1970, 1975, and 1987, respectively. She is affiliated with many professional organizations, including the South Carolina Historical Society, the Greenville Historical Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, and the National Society of Colonial Dames of America.
As a testament to her success, Dr. Blythe was selected as a William Gilmore Simms Fellow in 1985, a Richard M. Weaver Fellow from 1985 to 1986, a Fellow of The Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents in 1986, a Charleston Scientific & Cultural Educational Fund Research Grantee in 1987, and an Earhart Foundation Research Grantee from 1989 to 1990. Her achievements are featured in Who’s Who of American Women.
In her spare time, Dr. Blythe enjoys gardening, hiking, reading, painting, and writing. Alongside many scholarly books and articles, Dr. Blythe has published a novel, Carolina Mountain Song, and a book of poetry, Life Twice Loved. She has also produced and directed programs for South Carolina Educational Radio and Television, among them an SCETV special, “South Carolina Women Writers from the 19th to 20th Centuries.”