Coming from a family of veterinarians, Amanda Liffiton opened her own business in 2013, where she raises her own cows and sells freezer beef on a small scale. She then attended an entrepreneur seminar called “Live Out Loud”, where they guaranteed people to make money in three days and showed how to be an businessperson. They also came up with the idea for her business and told her to retail steaks, which she did, and that is how Pusheta Creek Steaks came to be. However, it started with having her own cattle in Ohio as a family-owned business, her being the fourth-generation growing up with livestock, along with having horses, sheep and cattle. Ms. Liffiton started buying heifers and raising her own cows, and the sheep they raised are sold to the buyer. She did farm work until she went to college at the Ohio State University, where she attained a Bachelor of Agriculture in 2005.
Ms. Liffiton’s greatest career achievement has been just sticking with it while in a male-dominated field. Even though she was not “one of the guys,” she was accepted as one of them in a profession that has very few women. In addition to her business, she also shows cattle in local beauty contests and notably won at the North American Livestock Exhibition in Louisville, Kentucky. What separates Ms. Liffiton from others in the cattle business is that she offers antibiotic-free and hormone-free products. They don’t implant their cattle or feed them antibiotics; that is only if they need to be treated or get sick. Otherwise, they try to keep them as healthy as possible. She attributes her success to hard work and dedication.
What Ms. Liffiton has learned over the course of her career that has most benefited her in her professional growth is to continue to meet new people that can provide opportunities or ways that can help benefit the business, such as through networking events, small business events and just meeting all kinds of unique people that she can help or vise versa they can help her. Furthermore, she learned to stick with it and not give up. Moving forward, Ms. Liffiton will be growing and expanding her business, and improving the quality of her cattle. In addition, her plan is to be able to sell and increase her numbers by increasing her sales in her product. She also just bought a dog, which will be the new face of her dog treats that will be available online. She loves dogs and grew up with them, especially with her parents being veterinarians.