While she was living in Paris, Slavica Esnault-Pelterie met Evan Galebright, who was the U.S. ambassador in that city. He told her that he was looking for someone for American Express Bank, and that she was the perfect candidate for private banking because of the degrees she earned. She pursued a formal education at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in comparative literature in 1973. She then matriculated at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, where she attained a Master of Arts in economics, political science and law, with honors, in 1975. Ms. Esnault-Pelterie would like to continue to work in in private banking, and she has since opened new markets in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Ms. Esnault-Pelterie began her professional career at JAT Yugoslav Airlines, now known as Air Serbia, in Belgrade in 1968, remaining in this position for five years before teaching in the Slavic department at Yale University for one year. She then served as the executive assistant at Hotel les Almohades from 1976 to 1978, and an interpreter for the International Seminar Institute and Techniques Contemporaines Company in Paris. Shifting into finance, Ms. Esnault-Pelterie became vice president of private banking for TDB American Express Company from 1980 to 1986 and director of Schoreder & Company Banque SA from 1989 to 2015, both based in Geneva. Currently, she works as a partner at Mantor SA in Geneva since 2015.
Adept in speaking many languages such as English, French, Russian, Spanish and Serbo-Croatian, Ms. Esnault-Pelterie maintains involvement with the Golf Club de Geneve, the Yale Club of Switzerland, the Club des Leaders and the management board of Schroeder. She attributes her success to her eagerness to learn more and excel in whatever she does. She finds it very rewarding to work with other human beings. Today, Ms. Esnault-Pelterie is the proud mother of two wonderful children and has been known to enjoy skiing, practicing karate and taekwondo, swimming, paddle surfing and hiking in her spare time.