Growing up in the country, Pamela Hallock Muller has always loved the outdoors. She knew she wanted a career that revolved around nature, and found oceanography to be a particularly appealing niche. Dr. Hallock Muller proceeded to earn a Bachelor of Arts in zoology from the University of Montana in 1969 and both a Master of Science and PhD in oceanography at the University of Hawaii in 1972 and 1977, respectively, and to become a certified scientific diver. Her first position in the field was assistant professor of earth sciences at the University of Permian Basin, followed by associate professor of marine science at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. She currently serves the latter school as a professor.
Outside of the classroom, Dr. Hallock Muller is involved with Foraminiferal research. She works on a group of organisms shells make up limestone, which is valuable from a variety of perspectives. Limestone makes up major hydrocarbon reservoirs, aquifers, and building stones, among other things. As part of her studies, she participated in the Saturation Mission at the National Undersea Research Center in the Florida Keys and in Leg 194 of the Science Party Ocean Drilling Program. Dr. Hallock Muller published her findings in more than 130 articles in professional journals thus far. Additionally, she has served on the editorial board of the Marine Micropaleontology Journal and Geology, and was the associate editor of the Journal of Foraminiferal Research.
The highlight of Dr. Hallock Muller’s journey was winning the Joseph A. Cushman Award for Excellence in Foraminiferal Research in 2015. She was also proud to be an elected fellow of the Paleontological Society, a summer faculty fellow of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, an ARCS fellow of the University of Hawaii, Manoa, and a German Academy exchange service research fellow, as well as a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the LEIBNIZ Center for Tropical Marine Research. Other notable accolades include the W. Storrs Cole Research Award from the Geological Society of America, the Outstanding Educator Award from the Association of Women Geoscientists, and the Minority PhD Program’s Mentor of Year Award from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
When Dr. Hallock Muller isn’t working, she enjoys scuba diving, kayaking, and traveling. She also likes to use her knowledge to help out in her community. She has been a member of ARCS Tampa Bay since 2011, an expert science judge for the Spoonbill Regional National Ocean Sciences Bowl since 2006, a judge for local, regional, and state science fairs in Florida since 1989, and a volunteer with Pinellas Coastal Cleanup since 1988