With nearly 40 years of industry experience to her credit, Lois J. Einhorn, PhD, has worked as a professor at Binghamton University of the State University of New York since 1979. She has found additional success as an author, having written such works as “Abraham Lincoln the Orator: Penetrating the Lincoln Legend (Great American Orators)” in 1992, “Helen Keller, Public Speaker: Sightless but Seen, Deaf but Heard (Great American Orators)” in 1998 and “The Native American Oral Tradition: Voices of the Spirit and Soul” in 2000. Likewise, she was the co-author of “Forgiveness and Child Abuse: Would YOU Forgive?” in 2010. Dr. Einhorn also briefly served as the head of the Voices Diversity Group with the National Communication Association from 2003 to 2004.
Dr. Einhorn became involved in her profession through the influence of Gerry Tarbar while teaching the evening public speaking class. She took 24 credits from him and felt like a granddaughter to him. He was well-known among the students and considered one of the greatest people in his field. He tried to talk her out of teaching, though part of her wanted to continue. Another influence was her mentor, Carroll C. Arnold. He was a teacher and a staid director for Dr. Einhorn’s master’s program. She also met the real Patch Adams, who recommended his publishers, Robert Reed Publishers, to her.
Before embarking on her professional path, Dr. Einhorn pursued an education at the Pennsylvania State University, earning a Bachelor of Arts in speech communication, summa cum laude, in 1972. She continued her academic efforts with a Master of Arts in speech communication from the Pennsylvania State University in 1974. Dr. Einhorn concluded her studies at Indiana University in 1979, graduating with a PhD in speech communication.
In light of her exceptional undertakings, Dr. Einhorn has accrued several accolades and honors throughout her impressive career. She has been previously presented with a Teaching Award from the National Speakers Association and the State University of New York, the Edward Hunt Award from the Eastern Communication Association in 1992 and the Teaching Award from the National Communication Association from 2003 to 2004. Furthermore, she was honored as a Heroine of Forgiveness by the World Forgiveness Alliance in 2005. Recognized as a Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian in 2017, Dr. Einhorn has been selected for inclusion in multiple editions of Who’s Who in America.
One of the highlights of Dr. Einhorn’s career came from an awards reception at the university. She was able to see the changes of her students from 1979 and had great discussions. She also realized English as a second language can become a problem. She loves where she teaches, loves what she does and feels very blessed. Moving forward, Dr. Einhorn hopes to have continued professional growth and still be teaching the classes that she designed.