Passionate about both nutrition and education, Ann E. Macpherson-Sánchez was thrilled to have the opportunity to combine the two over the course of her long and fruitful career. Her first professional position was home economics teacher at James Monroe High School, followed by positions as an instructor of food chemistry at the Hotel School at Cornell University, a senior research aide at the Graduate School of Nutrition at Cornell University, and a extension associate and research technical associate in the Department of Human Nutrition and Food at Cornell University.

Then, in 1974, Dr. Macpherson-Sánchez moved to Puerto Rico and assumed the role of science teacher at the Southwestern Educational Society. She has lived on the island ever since, and has built a strong reputation in her field and community. Some of her other positions there include administrative and clinical dietician at the Mayagüez Medical Center, part-time instructor in the Nursing Department of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, instructor in the Education, Physical Education, and Home Economics Department at the San Germán Campus of Interamerican University, foods and nutrition specialist at the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, coordinator of the Program to Improve Nutrition in Puerto Rico at the Agricultural Extension Service of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, and professor of foods and nutrition in the Department of Agricultural Education at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Although Dr. Macpherson-Sánchez retired in 2011, she remains a member of the board of reviewers for the Journal of Nutrition Education and of the Society for Nutrition Education. She has shared her experiences through articles like “Integrating Fundamental Concepts of Obesity and Eating Disorders: Implications for the Obesity Epidemic” in the American Journal of Public Health, “A Food Guide Pyramid for Puerto Rico” in Nutrition Today, and “Trends in Fat Disappearance in the United States, 1909-1965” in the Journal of Nutrition.Dr. Macpherson-Sánchez prepared for her endeavors by earning an EdD from Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras Campus in 1993, a Master of Natural Science in public health nutrition from Cornell University in 1964, and a Bachelor of Science in home economics education from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1957. Additionally, she completed coursework in English and history at Pomona College, became a certified teacher through the University of California, Los Angeles, and joined prominent professional organizations like the American Dietetic Association and the Puerto Rico Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.In recognition of her success, Dr. Macpherson-Sánchez was honored with a Certificate of Recognition from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez in 2006 and the Specialist of the Year designation from the College of Agriculture at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez in 2004. She also received recognition for conceptualizing and implementing the program MeNu in 1999, a leadership certificate in recognition of significant volunteer contributions from the Society for Nutrition Education in 1999, a plaque from the Mayagüez Medical Center in 1984, and a public health service assistantship for pursuing graduate studies from 1962 to 1963.


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