Shelley Svoren

For Shelley A. Svoren, it is her inquisitive nature that has fueled her success. Her motto, “Always be curious,” reflects her commitment to perennial learning and professional development. She refuses to stagnate or become complacent and finds satisfaction in the ongoing process of new discovery.

With a lengthy career in banking spanning three decades, in 2021, Ms. Svoren became the founder and chief executive officer of the Aviation Department at Infinite Branches in Yountville, California, where she develops financial models, economizing costs, and finding new ways to grow revenue. Her background in banking dealt with the niche industry of financing aircraft, private yachts, and other unique assets. Leveraging her experience, she often works with high-net-worth individuals, helping them in their family offices and assisting them with growing their startup businesses. In her key role with Infinite Branches, Ms. Svoren aims to transform investments in the aviation industry through collaboration.

Uber-active in her industry, Ms. Svoren has served as a board of advisers member for Dreams Soar Inc. since 2022. She encourages aspiring professionals in her field to cultivate a network of sponsors and mentors and to seek challenging opportunities. She also underscores the value of sharing one’s experiences with others and giving back, highlighting the significance of investing in meaningful relationships. To this end, Ms. Svoren has been a mentor with the International Aviation Womens Association and HERicanes since 2021. Further, in 2023, she was a mentor with 100 Women in Finance. Dedicated to the vital work of mentorship for decades, she also imparted her knowledge working with Aerospace Xelerated in 2002.

In preparation for her esteemed career in banking and finance, Ms. Svoren graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in finance, economics, international business, and Scandinavian studies in 1992. In 2022, she returned to higher education at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, where she completed a mini Master of Business Administration degree in business administration and aviation and aerospace management. Ever committed to her professional development, Ms. Svoren holds numerous credentials and certifications in addition to her professional degrees. She completed the Securities Industry Essentials Examination with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in 2021 and earned certifications in business strategies, financial technology, and ESG factors from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2022, she completed a How Software Ate Finance certification with Stanford University. Now, she holds certificates in marketing strategy, product strategy, and digital strategy, among numerous further credentials.

Contributing her expertise to her industry outside of her primary roles, Ms. Svoren has maintained membership in the International Aviation Womens Association and the National Business Aviation Association. From 2022 to 2023, she was an adviser for Business Aviation Advisor Magazine, and she has shared her knowledge as a speaker, a moderator for industry panels, and a contributor to articles on aviation industry issues. Impressively, since 2021, she has been the vice president of leader development with the International Aviation Womens Association. Among her career highlights, Ms. Svoren fondly recalls being asked to provide a keynote speech for a conference. Instead of presenting it herself, she had her client present the speech, allowing her to be seen in an entirely new light and expanding her business. She strongly believes that what we do for ourselves dies with us, but what we do for others lives on after we’re gone.

Ms. Svoren points to her most notable achievement as ensuring that her happiest moments are spent with her two sons. When she is not working or mentoring future professionals, she cherishes time with her family, friends, and her dog, Charlie. She also enjoys visiting art galleries, reading, and fly fishing.


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