An acclaimed educator, Pamela A. Brandt works as the Art Department curriculum chairperson for Hartford Joint 1 School District, where she also served as the applied and fine arts curriculum chair in 2015. Previously, she contributed to the school district as a special education art teacher in 1984. Likewise, Ms. Brandt retains her professional affiliation with the Wisconsin and National Education Associations, the Hartford Elementary Education Association, the Wisconsin and American Art Therapy Associations, the Wisconsin and National Art Education Associations, and the Wisconsin Association of Mid-Level Educators.
Ms. Brandt became involved in her profession because she was always fascinated with working in the Girls Scouts within the special needs groups. She decided that she wanted to be an art teacher, as she had an art teacher that she was very impressed with. In high school, she was told not to go into education because she would never find a job and felt crushed about that. Thus, she started researching and found art therapy, which still gave her the chance to teach and work with handicapped people while still incorporating art. Ironically enough, Ms. Brandt got a job teaching back at her school district that she had also passed through. They happened to have an art opening and she was selected for the job, and she was there for over 35 years.
Prior to embarking upon her professional path, Ms. Brandt earned a Bachelor of Arts from Alverno College in Milwaukee in 1984. Subsequently, she obtained a Master of Education from National Louis University in Chicago in 2010. Moreover, Ms. Brandt has been certified as an art and special education art teacher. The mentor who motivated and inspired her was Mary Beth Jensen.
Due to her outstanding work in the field, Ms. Brandt has been featured in Who’s Who of American Women in 2005 and 2006, and Who’s Who in American Education in 2005 and 2007. Additionally, she was presented with the Herb Kohl Fellowship in 2008 and received three awards from the Boy Scouts of America. During her spare time, Ms. Brandt devotes her efforts to bettering her community through the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America. Moving forward, she hopes to continue teaching. She would like to be remembered as someone who anyone can come to for help and has an open door concept.