An expert on the principles of economics, American history, leadership, western civilization and sociology, Carol A. Eppright became involved in her profession because, from a very early age, she felt a need to teach after receiving direction from her teachers. In fact, she often played school with her sister when they were younger. She was either going to be a teacher or a doctor, and she decided to be a teacher. Ms. Eppright began her professional career as a college instructor at Platte Technical Community College, now known as Central Community College, in Columbus, Nebraska, in 1970, remaining in this position for four years. She then transferred to Weatherford College in Texas, where she would remain until her retirement in 2016.
When Ms. Eppright moved to Weatherford in 1974, the college boasted an enrollment of approximately 1,200 and half the number of buildings currently found on campus. She went on to chair the economics and business department in the early 2000s, and was a beloved sponsor of Phi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa for many years. Thinking back over her time at the college, Ms. Eppright has said the best parts are the sense of family and interaction with students, both in the classroom and through student organizations.
Prior to the start of her career, Ms. Eppright pursued a formal education at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, earning a Bachelor of Science in 1969 and a Master of Arts in 1971. Since graduating, she established a $40,000 scholarship for those students who want to become teachers between 2012 and 2016. Additionally, Ms. Eppright is a former deacon and elder of Grace First Presbyterian Church in Weatherford, and a donor to the Salvation Army, American Cancer Society and numerous food banks.
A member of the Texas Community College Teaching Association, Ms. Eppright was praised for her efforts in the field with the Continued Excellence Award from Phi Theta Kappa in 2004. Moreover, she was selected for inclusion in the 72nd edition of Who’s Who in America. Ms. Eppright cared deeply about her students and really wanted them to understand the concepts they were talking about. She would take extra time and work with them, and try to come up with different ways to explain it so they’ll be able to understand it. Sometimes she would work one-on-one with her students.
A memorable moment for Ms. Eppright was when a former student in her economics class had finished and went off to college at the University of Texas. He was back home and came up to the school to visit everybody, and he told her that he was in an upper-level economics class and he was the only student in class who knew what the professor was talking about because she taught the material to him. However, Ms. Eppright is most proud of the fact that she had a good rapport with her fellow teachers. She got along with them and they seem to like her, and they had a good relationship. It seemed more important than recognition and such, and they were interested in one another’s lives.
Moving forward, Ms. Eppright has a long bucket list of things she wants to accomplish in retirement, including travel and spending more time with her family, especially her grandnieces and nephews. She also plans to help her friend in her shop in Arlington, Texas, and perhaps do some adjunct teaching at Weatherford College, along with more time knitting, reading and cross-stitching.