Backed by 65 years of professional experience, Anne Pruitt-Logan, EdD, LHD, has served as professor emeritus with the Ohio State University since 1995. Earlier in her career, she joined Howard University as a women’s counselor. Subsequently, she held a number of educational roles with Albany State College, Fisk University, Case Western Reserve University and the Council of Graduate Schools. Over the course of her career, she has honed her expertise in educational administration, counseling and teaching. Additionally, Dr. Pruitt-Logan has lent her expertise to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, the U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on post-secondary education, the National Science Foundation and the Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
Dr. Pruitt-Logan was inspired to become involved in her profession after being advised by a professor at Howard University to enter the field of counseling. She learned of an organization called Group Guidance to helped children achieve success and that set her off. In a career filled with highlights, Dr. Pruitt-Logan is proud to have served as a professor at Case Western Reserve University. Civically, she has dedicated to her time to several local organizations including the Peoples Congressional United Church of Christ, the Black Women’s Agenda Inc., and the Commission on the Future at Clemson University, the Columbus Foundation and the American Red Cross.
An expert in her field, Dr. Pruitt-Logan holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Howard University, a Master of Arts and an EdD from Teachers College at Columbia University, and an LHD from Central State University. In order to stay aware of changes in the field, she affiliated herself with the National Science Foundation, the American College Personnel Association, the American Educational Research Association and the Ohio Association of Counselor Education. Throughout her career, Dr. Pruitt-Logan has lent her expansive breadth of knowledge to a number of creative works, including “New Students and Coordinated Counseling,” “Black Employees in Traditionally White Institutions in the Adams States,” “Faithful to the Task at Hand: The Life of Lucy Diggs Slowe,” which she co-authored with Carroll L.L. Miller, and “Student Services for the Changing Graduate Student Population,” which she authored alongside Paul Isaac.
For her excellence in the field, Dr. Pruitt-Logan has been recognized many times. In addition to earning a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American College Personnel Association, she was also named to America’s Top 100 Black Business and Professional Women through Dollars & Sense Magazine. Likewise, she has received awards from the Ohio State University, the American Council on Education, the Economic Affairs Bureau, Inc., and the Howard University Alumni Federation.
Dr. Pruitt-Logan attributes her success to her mentors, including her professor at Howard University, Prof. Daniels. The advice that she can offer the next generation or others aspiring to work in her field is to study hard, achieve and get as many degrees as one can. Additionally, individuals should learn their field thoroughly and interact with people who are leaders in the industry. Networking with colleagues is very important and can help those interested in the field become leaders as well. Throughout Dr. Pruitt-Logan’s life, the person who most inspired her was her mother, Anne Ward Smith.
In the coming years, Dr. Pruitt-Logan intends to continue promoting her works and parlaying her knowledge of the field to others through her role as professor emeritus. Enjoying her retirement, she listens to music, reads, attends concerts and conducts research during her spare time. Dr. Pruitt-Logan would like to be remembered by others as someone who interacted with leaders in the field of higher education, as well as opening up opportunities for Black students.