Molly Smith

Living by the Bible passage found in Zechariah 4:6 stating, “Not by might, nor by power, says the Lord God, but by my Spirit,” ordained Episcopal priest Molly Dale Smith serves on the advisory committee at General Theological Seminary (GTS) and is an interim pastor with expertise in consulting, coaching, creative organizing, and writing as the author of the highly-reviewed and referenced book about change titled, “Transitional Ministry: A Time of Opportunity,” released by Church Publishing, Inc. Holding a doctor of ministry degree in evangelism from the Saint Paul School of Theology, a Master of Divinity from Seabury Western Theological Seminary, and a master’s degree in theological studies from Emory University, along with completing additional relevant coursework at Hollins University, Rev. Dr. Smith is a certified consultant who provides training in transition, search and congregational development and has studied consultancy at the Center for Congregational Health and through the Alban Institute with respected leaders Alice Mann and Speed Leas. Her own vital accomplishments are being featured in Marquis Magazine and The Wall Street Journal.

Rev. Dr. Smith’s responsibilities include leading worship services, preaching sermons on Sundays, and serving as a trained intentional interim pastor for clergy who are on a break. She teaches clergy of various denominations, has taught online classes, and serves as a transition consultant for congregations. Believing that change brings challenge and opportunity, Rev. Dr. Smith enjoys using her creativity to help individuals and congregations find solutions and discover new and viable approaches to making transitions. Finding that many people often feel trapped by their own new ideas, she comes up with new ways to do old things and is flexible enough to look for other ways if people don’t like previous suggestions. Her strength is easily generating new ideas without becoming so invested in them that it hinders seeking ways that work best for people. Most important, she skillfully explores possibilities by asking the right questions and listening carefully rather than telling people what to do. Thus, she sees her job as helping them to find their unique answers. Rev. Dr. Smith also provides pastoral care by conversing with families to, for example, help them navigate and prepare for funeral or memorial services. Canonically a resident in the Diocese of New Jersey, she has served churches in the Dioceses of West Missouri, Newark, New Jersey, Florida, New York, and Tennessee.

In addition to living out her faith in God and applying her skills, Rev. Dr. Smith sees her success as the result of her knowledge and background, having a specialized professional niche, and her ability to analyze a situation. One of the most vital lessons of her career has been learning to encourage people to speak about what they need. Her greatest realization is that people should say what they feel without hiding. Possessing a special affinity for working on projects, Rev. Dr. Smith is proud of being assigned to rewrite the complete training manual for the Interim Ministry Network, Inc. (IMN) Learning through research that adults learn best experientially, Rev. Dr. Smith transformed the manual’s curriculum from a lecture-driven approach to an experience-focused and case study-based format and provided interactive training for people from different religious denominations, including Christian and Jewish faiths. She also reframed how the IMN utilized PowerPoint presentations by enhancing and streamlining messages, making them more audience friendly.

Alongside her current roles, Rev. Dr. Smith is a freelance advisory committee member whenever she is needed and a member of the advisory committee at the GTS and Virginia Theological Seminary. She was a longtime member of the board of trustees at the GTS as well as a faculty and board member at the IMN; a priest associate at St. David’s Church in Nashville, Tennessee; a facilitator of the official Fresh Start leadership program for the Diocese of Tennessee; and interim rector at St. Peter’s Church in Peekskill, New York, and at All Saints Church in Jacksonville, Florida, among other positions and memberships she has held. Married with two children and six grandchildren, Rev. Dr. Smith enjoys reading and knitting.


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