Carolyn C. McMillan served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1965 through 1968. She was a disbursing clerk, computing and issuing payroll and travel checks to military personnel. Ms. McMillan attended Los Angeles City College and California State University, Los Angeles with a major in business administration and minor in sociology.
Ms. McMillan has worked for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services as an eligibility worker and for the State of California Employment Development Department, first in the disabled veterans outreach program and then as a local veterans employment representative. In 1980, Ms. McMillan became assistant director for veterans employment and training service with the U. S Department of Labor. Her service area included San Bernardino and Riverside counties. She was also a member of the State of California Veterans board of directors of veterans affairs.
President Jimmy Carter honored Ms. McMillan with the Presidential Award for Outstanding Community Achievement in 1979. She was named to the Outstanding Young Women of America by the U.S. Junior Chamber in 1981. In 1982, she was the recipient of the Outstanding Community Achievement Award from the Los Angeles Federal Executive Board.
Ms. McMillan chose her career out of a great desire to help people and social service was where she found she could do it best. She was previously selected for inclusion in the 15th edition of Who’s Who of American Women. Helping veterans is her life. Moving forward, Ms. McMillan is opening a homeless shelter to help more veterans.